Have you ever wished or fascinated to live for more than 300 years, or perhaps even more? Then you have landed in the right place. Here i am going to explain you when can you live for such a vast number of years, and the science behind it.
Let's start with the very beginning.
What is Nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology is the science of matter and particles that are smaller or equal to the size of 1 nano meter. 1 nano meter is equal to 1 billionth of a meter, so small that we can not even see it with the help of light microscope. All the realm of atoms and particles smaller than electrons and protons constitute the matter of nanotechnology.
How are living and non- living Made, and what distinguishes them?
You must have heard that all the matter in the universe is made up of atoms, which are fundamental units of matter. In fact, all the cells of living organisms are also made up of atoms, some of thousands and some of millions of atoms, depending upon the size and work capacity.
What causes aging and how Nanotechnology can avoid it?
By Nanotechnology the scientists can make objects or bodies in which each cell can be in the desired position. You might have heard of DNA replication and mixing of one or more bodies together, to produce living organisms of required capabilities. For ex: Mining of human DNA with animals,
A monkey human hybrid |
A pig human hybrid |
A major advantage is that these hybrids can have the capabilities of both humans and animals, i.e. they can be extremely athletic like monkeys, and can have a brain so great as a human's.
But with each cell being inserted in an organism into the desired position, we can create a person into whatever we want. It could be easily marketable, i.e. by 2040 or later, if we are lazy and doesn't want to work out, we can have DNA replication to become extremely athletic.
Nanotechnology could also produce animals so strong that they will become almost inflammable to diseases. Even shooting a person with a gun will have no impact on him. That's the power of nanotechnology.
Now, if we talk about aging, it occurs because of damages inside the body, the increment in number of dead cells and such other biological factors.
By nanotechnology, we can have nanobots running inside our body, fixing all the diseases and curing our systems. Nanobots are nothing but microscopic machines that are less than a nano meter in size.
In an interview with Computerworld, author and futurist Ray Kurzweil said that anyone alive come 2040 or 2050 could be close to immortal. We can say that 2040 or maybe some years after that, the time will come that we will overcome disease and aging and will add supernatural capabilities to ourself, thanks to nanotechnology and biotechnology.
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