The second best selling game in the world, with over 50 million copies sold, and with over 87 million daily players, PUBG has really hit the sweet spot in the gaming industry. PUBG is an acronym which stands for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and if you are a PUBG loyalist, you can understand going online every day and winning the chicken dinner In recent developments, PUBG again bought down the banhammer on the Hack City once more. PUBG recently released their snow map Vikendi and also imposed a ban wave which put the hammer down on over 30,000 accounts which also included accounts of pro-gamers as well.
Some Hacks For Playing PUBG
-PUBG has a vigilante software system which monitors the game for
possible cheat codes or hacks which are being used during gameplay.
Called the BattlEye, this proactive anti-cheat protection system puts a
strong shield around the entire game.
- Once you are spotted by the BattlEye, the system corrupts your data and throws you out of the system.
-Your merit rating 100. If you indulge in team-killing or injuring
your team members, then your rating goes down. Once your rating goes
under 60, you will be unable to join squad or duo matches until you
increase your rating by playing solo matches.
After Radar hack cheat code ban on users, PUBG has now released an
Anti-Cheat and Reporting feature in the game which can be used to report
players in real time if unfair means of gameplay is used, or is
suspected to use cheat codes or hacks in the game
Keeping a low profile is important. Try to be tactical and make sure
you are hard to spot. Doing things like staying under ridge lines as
you move through the high ground, sprinting and moving in a random
manner in the open makes you a hard target to shoot at.
Always move from cover to cover. Remember to keep scanning your
surroundings so that you don't get ambushed. Better be safe than sorry.
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